Presentation of the monkfish
Nicknamed the devil or sea toad because of its repulsive appearance, the common anglerfish is most often called the “monkfish” on the stalls of fishermen. Very appreciated for its flesh, it is one of the leanest fish to eat (only 0.7% fat). At maturity, it can reach 2 meters for a total weight of 45kg.
Quality :
Inshore fishing lobster
Spinner” turnip (Roscoff, Audierne)
Trawl trawl net
Proposed transformation:
Whole turnip: Parting
Monkfish tail, with or without flank
Monkfish fillet, Monkfish cheek, Monkfish liver
Size & Packaging :
The monkfish tail is packed in 3,6 or 12 kg and according to the following sizes: 3/500 gr – 500/1kg – 1/2 kg – 2/4kg – +4kg
*Packaged according to your needs.