House founded in 1990

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Whiting / Melanogrammus aeglefinus

Presentation of whiting
Whiting is a bentho-pelagic fish found between 30 and 100 metres deep. It belongs to the family of gadidae (Cod, Saithe, Saithe…) The black spot it has at the base of the pectoral muscles and the dark lateral line are its distinctive features. Whiting reaches sexual maturity between 1 and 3 years of age, when it measures about 31 cm in the Celtic Sea, 25 cm in the North Sea and 20 cm in the Bay of Biscay. It can reach 70 cm and weigh 3 kg.

Quality :
Whiting line
Whiting Ikejime line
Whiting ” coastal fishing “.
Trawl whiting

Proposed transformation:
Whole gutted whiting
Fillet of whiting*

Size & Packaging :
The whiting is packaged in 3.6, 12 kg or in the form of pieces and according to the following sizes: 3/500 gr- 5/800 gr- 800/1 kg -1+ kg

*Packaged according to your needs.